Monday 19 September 2016

10th Class Biological Science S.A.-1 (EM) C.C.E Model Paper

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Biology not only provides students the knowledge about life and living organisms, but also is the most scoring subject in Science stream. The study of Biology brings about an awareness of the rich diversity of life forms that inhabit the Planet Earth. It helps students to know and appreciate the precision and complexity of living processes. An understanding of the principles of Biology can help students to deal more effectively with a wide range of routine concerns such as nutrition, dieting, health care, proper use of medicines and care of domestic animals and plants.
 New syllabus consists of the following chapters.

  1. Nutrition
  2. Respiration - The Energy Releasing System
  3. Transportation - The Circulatory System
  4. Excretion - The Wastage Disposing System
  5. Control and Coordination
  6. Reproduction – The Generating System
  7. Coordination in Life Processes
  8. Heredity – From Parent to Progeny
  9. Our Environment 

Exam Pattern

Biology subject will have 50 marks; and the examination duration is 2.30 hours in addition to 15 minutes for reading the question paper.
The 50 marks paper is the combination of summative assessment and formative assessment.

Summative Assessment

  • Three summative tests must be conducted in each academic year for Class X. Public examination is conducted by the Board of Secondary Education in place of third Summative Assessment.
  • First and second Summative Assessments shall be conducted by schools themselves by preparing question papers for 80% of marks. This ensures that the children are trained to write public exams.

Summative Assessment Pattern

Type of questionsNumber of Questions Marks for each question Total marks
Essay type questions 4 4 16
Short answer questions 6 2 12
Very short answer questions 7 1 7
Objective type questions 10 ½ 5

Formative Assessment

20% of marks for the internals are allocated to formative assessment. The areas and marks for the formative assessment are given here under.

Sl. No.
Item for Formative Assessment

Biology – Doing the experiments and writing in the record.
A child’s written work in their notebooks – Self expression / writing to the questions/ tasks given in the exercise part under each unit / lesson. The children shall not copy the answers from guides / study materials etc. but they should think and write on their own. (These are basically class room note books)
Project works
Slip test

  • A separate notebook for the formative assessment pertaining to three items of serial numbers 1, 3 and 4 of the above table shall be maintained by each student. Serial number 2 talks about running notes taking in classroom. Students must maintain separate notebooks for taking running notes in the classroom.
  • These notebooks reflecting children works must be preserved which will be the basis for awarding marks by the teacher and for the verification of officials whenever required. The average of four FAs will be accounted for 20% of marks in public examinations under each subject

Pass Marks and Minimum Marks for Passing

  • 35% is the pass marks for all the language and non language subjects. Students must qualify in external exam (SA).
  • In non-language subjects, the students need not pass in each of the two papers separately.
  • Student must score a minimum of 35% of marks in each subject (aggregate of Paper 1 and Paper 2). Students must secure 28 marks in external public exam.


The marks based grading for Class X with the range is given here under.

Marks in Languages (100 M) Marks in Non Languages (50 M)
Grade points
91 to 100 marks 46 to 50 marks
81 to 90 marks 41 to 45 marks
71 to 80 marks 36 to 40 marks
61 to 70 marks 31 to 35 marks
51 to 60 marks 26 to 30 marks
41 to 50 marks 21 to 25 marks
35 to 40 marks 18 to 20 marks
0 to 34 marks 0 to 17 marks

#10th Class Biological Science S.A.-1 (EM) C.C.E Model Paper