Monday 10 January 2022

New ELs Surrender Leaves Bill Software for AP Teachers and All Other Dept Employees

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New Surrender Leaves Bill Software for AP Teachers and All Other Dept Employees- NEW SURRENDER BILL SOFTWARE AS PER PRC-2015 IN ANDHRA AND TELANGANA STATES :: AP Teachers ELs Surrender leave Software – EL formula – Sanction Rules for ELS Surrender– Sanction as per Ratio Calculate Surrender Leave Software very useful to Andhra Pradesh Teachers and Employees Software. Employee who take earned leave for not less than 30 days can surrender E.L to a maximum of 30 days and receive leave salary in lieu of leave surrendered. E.L. surrendered will be debited against leave account. There should be an interval of 24 months between one surrender and another for surrender of 30 days . There should be an interval of 12 months ( 1 Year ) between one surrender and another for surrender of 15 days. SURRENDER MEANS SOLD OUT THEIR EARNED LEAVES TO STATE GOVT.EVERY EMPLOYEE MUST DOWNLOAD THESE SOFTWARE.THIS IS USEFUL FOR 6 EMPLOYEES IN EVERY SINGLE OFFICE/PLACE. 

New ELs Surrender Leaves Bill Software for AP Teachers and All Other Dept Employees

Surrender leave Software, EL Calculation formula, Earned Leave Proceeding Sanction Rules 2020.

ELS Surrender leave Software how to Calculate Holidays working days formula, EL

  1. Employees are Permitted to surrender EL when they are either on duty or actually on EL and the interval between one surrender and another should be 12 months for surrender not exceeding 15 days and 24 months for surrender not exceeding 30 days.
  2. An employee can avail 30 days of surrender if he had not availed the same in the previous year
  3. Application for surrender of EL can be made on or before the due date of surrender. Application received within a month from the due date shall also be allowed. The date of surrender shall be indicated in the application for surrender of EL.
  4. EL may be allowed to be surrendered by Government servants while they are other kind of leave also ,Except on EOL without allowance without medical certificate or on unearned leave on private affairs.
  5. The Government employee can avail  the encashment of Surrender Leave after one year from the date of last surrender ( annual cycle) or after the due date, on the date of his choice. The main criteria is that there should be an interval of one year between two encashment.
  6. The total number of days of earned leave availed and the earned leave surrendered shall not exceed the maximum earned leave admissible to government servants.
  7. Government servants appointed either under the emergency provision or on regular basis shall be eligible to surrender 15 days of EL only after completion of 12 months continuous service; for surrender of 30 days of EL only after completion of 24 months of continuous service. 
  8. According to FR 82 (b) Calculation EL’s for Working in Summer holidays
  9. As per FR-82(b) GO.35 Dt:16-1-1981, GO.151 Dt:14-11-2000, GO.174 Dt;19-12-2000, GO.114 Dt:28-4-2005.

Method of Crediting the EL in EL account 

Regular Employees:
  1. If a Govt. servant is appointed regularly, month in which he has been appointed should be ignored if it is after 1st, and for the number of completed months in that half year, advance credit should be given at the rate of 2 ½ days for each month in that half year. The credit to be given should be rounded to nearest day, 0.5 should be taken as one day and less than 0.5 should be ignored. 
  2. If a Govt. servant is due to retire during a middle of half year, the fact of which is known either on 1st January or 1st July, advance credit should be given for the number of months he is likely to be in service in that half year but not for the entire half year. 
  3. After giving advance credit either on 1st January or on 1st July for the entire half year, if a Govt. servant has quit the service during the middle of half year, due to resignation or voluntary retirement or death or medical invalidation or compulsory retirement, the last credit entry already recorded either on 1st January or 1st July should be revised taking into consideration of the number of completed months of his service in that half year. 
  4. As a result of such revision in cases of types mentioned in above sub paragraph, if the leave account runs into minus balance, the leave salary already paid equivalent to minus balance should be recovered if he has quit the service on his own accord, like resignation or voluntary retirement. But such recovery need not be made in case of an event beyond his control like Death, Medical Invalidation or compulsory retirement. 
Additional Credit to Police Personnel: 
  1. In addition to the credit of Earned Leave in EL account, 30 days of additional credit should be given in two instalments at the rate of 15 days on 1st January & 15 days on 1st July to the Police Personnel of the rank of Inspectors and below including those working in intelligence, crime branch, Armed Reserve, AP Special Police, Police Communications, Police Transport Organisation, Tester, Sub Inspector of Finger Printer Bureau and service reporters and shorthand bureau. (G.O.Ms.No.187, Fin. & Plg. Dept., Dt.29.06.79, G.O.Ms.No.323, Fin. & Plg. Dept., Dt.11.11.80, G.O.Ms.No.355, Fin.&Plg. Dt.17.12.80)

Credit of ELs for Staff working in Schools:

  • All regular teaching and non-teaching staff in the educational institutions who are availing summer vacations were credited 3 days of EL upto 31.10.1989 and 5 days of EL upto 15.09.94. Now they shall be eligible for 6 days earned leave per annum, subject to the provision of FR 82. The earned leave shall be credit in advance in two instalments of 3days each on first of January / July of every year. (G.O.Ms.No.317, Education (Ser.V) Dept., Dt.15.09.94). 
Earned Leave Preservation for Teachers:
  • Government delegated the powers to the Heads of Departments concerned to reserve proportionate leave to the extent the teachers under their control are prevented from utilization summer vacations due to attending Enumeration, Preparation or Revision of Electoral Rolls and Census etc., based on the certificate issued by the appropriate appointing authority, and that EL need not be given if they are asked simply to be available at Headquarters. (G.O.Ms.No.161, Education (Ser.V) Dept., Dt.14.11.2000).
Recasting of Earned leave account:
  • When a Government servant is appointed temporarily in the first instance and placed on probation at a subsequent date with retrospective effect his leave account should be recast with effect from the date of regularization o his service- Ruling under FR rule 20.
  • The leave availed between the date from which his services are regularized and the date of issue of orders shall not e altered as a result of the additional leave that becomes due after recasting the leave account.
  • The additional leave that becomes due as a result of recasting of the leave account shall be availed of only after later date.

{*Earned Leaves*} ELs Calculation Formula -  E.Ls {Earned Leaves} Online Calculator Software: 

SUMMER ELs CALCULATION FORMULA-How much {*Earned Leaves*} ELs we get when we work in Summer Holidays {Vacations} For Non-Vacation Departments Likely Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff In AP School Education Department.Teachers Surrender leave software, surrender leave bill preparation Proceeding, EL formula, Sanction Rules and G.Os, Earned leave Ratio Calculator. Earned Leaves Preservation Calculator,Earned Leaves Calculator.When Training, Election Duties , Other duties are assigned, Earned Leaves are to be preserved in proportionate to the Vacation Department Employees or Teachers. EL PRESERVATION PROCEEDING SOFTWARE SSC SUMMER EL PRESERVATION PROCEEDING SOFTWARE. Teachers Summer Duties ELs Calculation Formula is given below. This Earned Leave Calculation Formula is applicable for both AP and Telangana / TS States Teachers. Earned Leave / EL Calculation Formula Software. Encashment of Earned Leaves /  ELs.

ELs Calculation Formula -  E.Ls {Earned Leaves} Online Calculator Software

As per SR 6 of FR 82 of AP Fundamental Rules & Subsidiary Rules: If an employee enjoys not more than 15 days of vacation, he shall be considered to have availed himself of no portion of it. (SR 6 FR 82).

Important / Key Points to be Noted:

  1. Any period of recess which exceeds 15 days in duration shall be treated as a vacation (SR2 FR 82)
  2. If an employee enjoys not more than 15 days of vacation, he shall be considered to have availed himself of no portion of it. (SR6 FR 82)
  3. If a Govt. servant of vacation department does duties during vacation and separately remunerated, he should not be considered as having been deprived of vacation. (SR 15 FR 82).
As per the above Formula we observe that:
  1. Total Vacation Days should be taken in account for calculating the ELs to be preserved. (Some are taking summer vacation as 49 days, but it is not correct. It may change depending on the closing day and reopening day). Basing on the Total Summer Vacation, the ELs also will change.
  2. Maximum Number of ELs per year restricted to 30.
  3. Basing on the Rules Below ELs Calculation Software is designed which gives the exact value of Earned Leaves to be preserved. 

ELs Calculation Formula -& Earned Leaves Software ELs Calculator

Earned Leave / EL to be Preserved as per (LR 9(a), 17(1) and Note 1 of LR 20(ii)) is:
{ [365/11 - (27 x Vacation availed/ Total vacation Days)] -6 }
  1. Earned Leave at credit will lapse if interruption in service other than leave occurs in the service of a non-permanent Govt. servant.(APLR 24).
  2. From 01.01.1978, the order sanctioning Earned Leave, Half Pay Leave to Govt. Servant shall indicate the balance of such leave at his credit. (G.O.Ms.No.384, Fin. & Plg. (FW.FR.I) Dept., Dt.05.11.77).

EL’s Formula :

(365 x 1)/11-(27 x No.of days availed/Total No.of days vacation)-6

No.of dys working – Eligible ELs

1-1 ,2-1, 3-2, 4-2, 5-3, 6-3, 7-4, 8-5, 9-5, 10-6,11–6,
12 –7,13–7, 14–8, 15–8, 16 –9, 17–9,18–10, 19 –11,
20 –11, 21-12, 22-12, 23-13,24-13, 25-14, 26-15,
27-15, 28-16, 29-16, 30-17, 31-17,32-18, 33-18,
34-19,35-19, 36-20, 37-21, 38-21, 39-22, 40-22,
41-23,42-23, 43,44,45,46,47,48,49 – 24 days

New ELs Surrender Leaves Bill Software for AP Teachers and All Other Dept Employees

DOWNLOAD HERE ELs Surrender Leaves Bill Software for AP Teachers                    


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